When the physical art represents the old record store, NFTs are Spotify. Production is fast, collecting is fast, and the secondary market is fast, which is a really good tool for creatives who like to stare at a screen and don’t want anything to do with the very social, slow brick-and-mortar art world. I never collected art, but after more than a year of producing NFTs, I collected 1000 of them. Why, please don’t ask me, but I get satisfied with staring at them on my computer screen. I bought a square display in a black frame,  to look at my NFT collection on my studio wall. And maybe, who knows, collectors of the future like the idea of a large, high-resolution, good-looking screen where they can display their million-dollar NFTs instead of having the whole place full of objects they have to move and store and repair. For me, I needed to have a foot in the NFT world. At the moment, not many have a crypto wallet, but I do believe that in ten years, we will all have one; if that is the case, NFTs will have a larger influence than today. However, I think it is a great platform for digital art, which has never had a sunny spot in contemporary art because it is not easy for art lovers to collect. 

 Please go check out my winking faces on objkt.com